czwartek, 26 listopada 2015

Reading – the best weapon against winter.

A winter is coming soon. The only think we want to do, is staying in bed and watching our favourite  TV series. But I have another  “line of defence” against  cold, lazy days of November.  I’d like to strongly recommend a book, which enraptures you from its first page. Have you ever felt happiness, while reading a horror story? If not – read “Pet Sematary” by a writer of distinction – Stephen King.
A book was written in 1983 in United States. Only one year later was nominated for a World Fantasy Award for Best Novel. The only conclusion from all of this is, that book MUST BE great. Therefore it became a bestseller so fast.
Louis Creed, a doctor from Chicago, moves to a large house near the small town of Ludlow with his wife Rachel, their two young children, Ellie and Gage, and Ellie's cat, Church. A family seems to be happy – young Ellie goes to preschool, Louis became close friend with his neighbour – Jud Crandall an elderly man, who definitely hides something.

A Creed’s family is very happy, doesn’t care about a little creepy cemetery in vicinity.  But – by the time when Church dies. Louis entombs a body of cat in the cemetery and until the next afternoon after death of an animal the cat returns home. But it is obvious that Church is not the same as before. Creeds’ life is not the same too…
I was really captivated by this story. Stephen King created very interesting and original characters.  I was so absorbed in this book, that I couldn’t stop reading. “Pet Sematary” has a very intense plot filled with drama and… love. Yes. Because everything what happens there, is caused by love.
A writer has expanded style of writing. You can find there many funny descriptions of family gatherings (Louise and his father-in-law don not like each other) or moments where atheist tries to explain a young girl the meaning of life.
In conclusion I want recommend it again. If you cannot stand greek dramas - this book is for you! It will make your feelings very MIXED. I can provide it. For me it is certainly one of the best books from Stephen King.

Przemysław Kata.

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